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8 Ways to Tolerate a Quarantine

Serenity is on its way.

With all that's amidst, it may be hard to be positive, but I can assure you, being positive will make a world of difference. Start reading some positive quotes. Imagine how you want your future to look and feel like.

Being grateful for what you do have is a great way to start off your day in quarantine! But how does one focus ALL or even some of their energy on something else other than the COVID-19 you may ask?

Let's review 8 things you can do, to lessen the worry-load...

1. After you read this blog post, take a media break.

Right now social media may make you a bit stir crazy. Especially since it's used to showcase your social activities. Taking a break from it all, from Facebook to Instagram is essential for one's overall mental health.

2. Start that thing, that you said you would start...weeks ago.

Or years... You know that thing you said you were going to start or do but "never got around to it"? Well, now's your chance! Get out that canvas and paint! Get your taxes done, learn how to do them, sign up for some online classes! Fix that chair leg, sew that dress, learn how to cook...the list goes on...

3. Call a loved one.

FaceTime, Skype, Video Chat with a friend that you haven't talked to in a while. Call your parents, grandparents, close friend. With today's technology, we are still so connected, so now is the time to take advantage of it!

4. Read a good book.

Buy a book for your Kindle or pick one off the shelf you haven't read in years. Relax, and practice self-care in ways unimaginable.

5. Spend time in nature.

If you don't have a yard or a house or apartment with a porch or balcony, take advantage of any nature you can get!

Take a social distancing walk. Sit by a plant, watch National Geographic or enjoy some nature sounds on YouTube or Pandora.

6. Play a board game.

If you're alone during this quarantine then skip the first suggestion on this list and download a smartphone game or one on your laptop/desktop/iPad/tablet or whatever you have.

Play Scrabble with some friends that live miles away!

7. Download Duolingo and practice a language.

I'm trying to be fluent in another language other than English (lollll). So, I started practicing my Spanish and Arabic again. It's a free app and you can learn basically any language under the sun (well just about any language).

8. When all else fails. I'm sure you're sleepy, take a nap.

It's something about being a couch potato that makes you... * Y A W N* ...want to take a nap. Sometimes a 15-minute nap is all you need to unwind and restart. Take a nap and start the list over again!

Stay home and stay safe lovelies!


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